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Dad played the erhu. 教学设计

来源:山东创新教育研究院 作者: 王婷 已有0人评论  2016/10/23 21:35:11  加入收藏

山东潍坊 王婷

  Ⅰ.Warm up


  1. Hi, everyone. Nice to meet you.

  2. 出示教学目标:Learning Aims. 

  3. Play a guessing game about me. 

  二、Do the chant

  1. And do you know where did I go yesterday? (让学生自由回答)

  (如果学生都不会,就自己引出:Look at the picture. Can you answer now?—回答。 Yesterday, I went to a shop. And then, I went to school. Look, this is my school. )

  2. Now, let’s listen and watch the chant.

  3. Let’s do the chant together.

  三、Lead-in Australia

  1. Now, you know I went to a shop and then I went to my school yesterday. How about you? Where did you go yesterday? Look, this is a big turntable. Wow, who is he? Can you stand up? Where did you go yesterday? (这里是不是可以不提示动词短语,直接转动人物头像就好了呢?)(此处可以让这位学生转动一下,再问另一个。)

  2. You went to so many places yesterday. Do you know where did Lingling go yesterday? (是否让学生猜一下?还是直接听课文?)


   一、Let’s listen and find out the answer:“Where did Lingling go yesterday?”

     1. 学生回答:She went to a concert yesterday. (此处concert怎么处理?板书呢?)

  2. Did you go to a concert before? Ok. Today, let’s go and watch what a concert is. (播放视频) Look, there are many musicians. They are playing different instruments. And the music is very beautiful.

  3. So, Let’s go with Lingling to the concert together. First, let’s read together.

  4. And now, let’s have a role play in your groups. You can read or recite.

  二、We know Lingling’s dad and mum played in the concert. Do you know what did they play? 

  1. Who have got the answer?

  2. What does they look like? (在这里讲look like 是不是合适?)



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